Check how you can improve management in your organization and make your employees more engaged.
free consultationEvery organization is different, so we must get to know each of our clients, their problems, and their expectations. This allows us to take an individual approach to each organization under study and tailor a survey implementation plan to suit.
We always approach each client individually and respectfully, listen carefully and take care to build a good relationship.
We often position ourselves as the liaison between the employer and the employees. We make sure that everyone feels comfortable during the engagement survey.
We focus on developing research methods and creating tools to build employee engagement, aiming to enable employers to manage their teams efficiently.
These three words are also the foundations for building the communication channel with our users. Behavioral research has it that the quality of the data determines how we ask questions and the environment we create for this.
Based on which managers and boards of directors make decisions, the reports are created on an indicative basis, and the smallest group in the system can be five people. Using such a mechanism makes all respondents feel comfortable and can answer the questions honestly.
Nasi pracownicy są niezadowoleni i odchodzą, ponieważ ich zarobki są zbyt niskie. Nie możemy zapewnić im podwyżek.
Warsztaty z ekspertami Enpulse, aktywizowanie pracowników do wyrażania anonimowych opinii i zbieranie pierwszych danych.
Identyfikacja krytycznych obszarów będących przyczyną niskiego zaangażowania.
- Powołanie managera ds. komunikacji wewnętrznej,
- Szkolenia dla managerów z zarządzania emocjonalnego,
- Zwiększenie poczucia wpływu wśród pracowników poprzez współtworzenie atmosfery i kultury pracy,
- Budowanie kultury pozytywnego feedbacku poprzez regularne spotkania, czy kartę osiągania celu.
Our employees are dissatisfied and leave because their wages are too low. We cannot provide them with raises.
Workshops with Enpulse experts, activating employees to give anonymous feedback and collecting the first data.
Identification of critical areas causing low employee engagement.
- Appointment of an internal communication manager,
- Training for managers on emotional management,
- Increasing the sense of influence among employees by co-creating a working atmosphere and culture,
- Building a positive feedback culture through regular meetings or a goal achievement charter.
And improved communication, building a positive feedback culture, and changes to benefits and training.
Our employees are dissatisfied and leave because their wages are too low. We cannot provide them with raises.
Workshops with Enpulse experts, activating employees to give anonymous feedback and collecting the first data.
Identification of critical areas causing low employee engagement.
- Appointment of an internal communication manager,
- Training for managers on emotional management,
- Increasing the sense of influence among employees by co-creating a working atmosphere and culture,
- Building a positive feedback culture through regular meetings or a goal achievement charter.
And improved communication, building a positive feedback culture, and changes to benefits and training.
The Enpulse story began in 2010 when Magda and Tomek started developing a system to study employee engagement. Magda's research team developed an internal methodology, combining more than a dozen leading scientific theories into a coherent survey tool and a proprietary employee engagement indicator.
After years of research and work with major customers, the tool has been tested by several thousand employees, thus creating a reliable benchmark for comparing companies. After several years of refinement, Enpulse is finally available to all business customers - small and medium-sized, and large organizations.